Hi, I’m Roger Bovee, a Wisconsin man who likes to tweet about politics a lot. David Fahrenthold of the Washington Post found in his research that presidential candidate Donald Trump until May of this year, when he was pressured to giving $1,000,000 for US veterans, had given only about $10,000 of his own money to charities of all sorts for the previous seven years. This may well be true because he won’t release his tax returns so we could know for sure. So I thought, we can do better than that. Let’s see if we can raise $10,000 to help a very legitimate charity, the National Alliance to End Homelessness, based in Washington, DC. $94 of every $100 donated to them goes directly to homeless people, and they have an A+ rating with Charity Watch. For everyone who donates I’ll send out a tweet including your name. Suggested donation levels are $200, $100 (1% of our goal), $50, and $20. Let’s see if we can give more than billionaire Donald Trump, who has tweeted that he is “dear Donald……the expression of real generosity.” Please also share on Facebook and Twitter. Thanks!