My Disability Start A Home Business

Robert Riley2 My Disability Start A Home BusinessI do have plenty of time on my hands right now. If anyone would like their tweets re-tweeted on twitter or shares, likes and maybe friend on Facebook let me know I would be happy to help.

Where would a day be without some humor – It is a great medicine…


I Have lots Of Time To Give

Humor Is A Great Medicine – It Helps
I am a 58 year old Dad and Grandfather.

Being a “Baby Boomer” growing up we were programmed from a very early age to “further our education or get a job”. Not knowing what life would hold 40 years later – who did at the time – I went to work.

After High School I jumped right into the work force in the construction industry. I had a game plan, goals and dreams. As the years went I began to realize (doctors stressing) my physical condition was progressively deteriorating. I still had to work to be able to meet my responsibilities

Since the age of 18 I have been dealing with these physical issues. In 2013 my Doctors diagnosed me totally disabled with a chronic progressive degenerative disc disorder – spinal stenosis with myelophy, siatica, scoliosis, neuropathy. No physical work period. A simple accidental hip-check could lay me out for weeks.

Being out of work so often with minimal income it has been a roller coaster ride of frustration, fear, worries and confusion. Being diagnosed with anxiety, panic, depression and the medication have all compounded my situation. This is my reality today and at this point I have to humble myself and not be afraid to ask.

I know I need to do something where I can use my brain my body doesn’t want to follow much anymore. At this point I know I have to make some difficult decisions.

My options are very limited. Panic and frustration are common realizing my housing and not having the money to meet the immediate responsibilities of today including my 13 year old daughter. Then there is the future. Early on I had a game plan and like every else you hope it works out.

My physical limitations are many. One of the more serious is not being able to feel my upper and lower exterminates. Other limitations are not able to climb stairs, pick things up, bend, walk any distance or sit for prolonged periods. Some days it is difficult getting out of bed if I could do that at all. There are other personal limitations I‘d rather not share here. All these are a scary reality.

Taking in all factors I believe a business at home would be the best place to earn an income. As far back as 1992 I started looking online for something to do at home to supplement my income because of my situation. Realizing my future was in jeopardy I began to accumulate a vast knowledge of the requirements and tools for an online business. I put in countless hours over the years to educate myself as to what is needed for a successful online business. Out of work I did attempt a few times but any new business takes time and money. When my Doctor released me I was back at work for the weekly pay check.

Early 2015 I decided to put my time and what little money I had into a business. I learned a long time ago to start any legitimate business be it online or Main St My Town you need some kind of financial investment. After a few months the normal monthly and medical bills were overwhelming and my attempt at doing this came to an abrupt halt.

Because I was out of work with a microscopic income for 23 months I was homeless dealing with all of this. I was lucky to receive emergency housing for a time. Since May of 2015 I’ve floated from place to place putting a further burden on myself, family members and friends. Recently I found a temporary place.

My family and friends have been tremendous the past forty years helping when they could. My children have been awesome helping as much as they can. The help is thin today. They are very young and have their families, their goals and responsibilities – I respect that. Their homes do not accommodate a person with disabilities. I should not and do not want to be one of their responsibilities for the next 30 years. I need to be able to take care of myself and help them when I can.

With a kick start, meeting my goal here I have every confidence that at the very least I can earn what is needed to take care of myself, monthly responsibilities and necessities without the physical work, using my brain. With the business I want to start I will be educating myself further and teaching others how start and maintain a successful online business. This business is an investment as well as a solid educational opportunity.

Contributions will be used to start this business – initial investment, fees for federal, state and local requirements/licensing, applicable insurance and start up advertising. A portion will be used to secure permanent housing. This is a true business opportunity with a business plan.

Having the ability to take care of myself, meet my responsibilities, visit and help my family would be such a gift a huge relief. Most of the frustrations, anxieties, panic, confusion, fear, worries and depression will slowly melt away without having to take any more of these crazy medications.

I need to be on my own as soon as time will allow. I am going backwards and the reality of being homeless again at my age with my issues is scary, mind-boggling.

I have the ability – brain, experience, knowledge, drive and determination to help myself and others. Years ago when I realized my situation I made a commitment and I need to stay loyal to what I said I was going to do – I can’t quit – but I do need help.

Thank You and God Bless

Robert Riley