Back Exfoliator IndieGoGo Boost IDIDIT Campaign Donors

Difficulty washing your back, maybe reaching is a problem due to injury?

The Back Exfoliator can Help

Hi My name is Derick Kruis builder/landscaper by trade

37 Years of age and suffer from Rhometoid Arthritis and sometime very difficult to reach certain parts of my body.

Can you wash your Back??

Lets face it…. Everyone has the problem of not being able to reach their back to wash it.
(unless your double jointed or a yoga master)

It could be a flexibility issue, an Injury or even a disability.

Whatever the reason the Ezy Reach Back-Exfoliator is the solution.
The following Features make it a must for any shower:

Stylish Fixture.
Convenient to use.
Fluid movement – Easy movement – Minimal Resistance.
Compliments existing fixtures.
Slimline Design.
Exfoliating Satisfaction.
Rejuvenating Scrub.
Massage Experience.
Full Scrubbed / Clean Feeling.
It attaches to the wall easily, has a fold away handle, it’ s made from stainless steel and has 3 interchangeable pads for your comfort.

It’s especially great for the elderly and people with joint, muscle, neck and shoulder problems.

Funding will go towards manufacturing for the Exfoliator as this is where the biggest cost lays for us. With this unit we will be helping so many people to completely and effortless clean themselves from back to toe.

With your help and support we can help to make a change to everyday life.