This personal fund raiser is to get multiple things to help make things go smoother for my projects. That way i can start a business selling my own manga/ comic book, artwork, Cosplay And prop weaponry at anime conventions. I want to get a digitizer monitor for drawing and coloring on the computer for art pieces and the story art when I finish writing the story. Funds to assist in buying mold making materials and liquid plastic. Power tools so I don’t have to borrow my dad’s all the time plus tools my dad may not have. A better sewing machine, fabric and a serger for making cosplay. I also want to make myself a nice little workshop for a lot of the work and supplies. Lastly buying the robotic components for the weapon props. Hopefully this would give me a good little head start on getting things rolling and allow me to make some money to continue on my own.
First i’m in the process of writing a story called Karma’s Sin, this story is about a world soon to be plunged into chaos by a being that gains immeasurable power from feeding off negative emotions such as hatred and misery. Part of the story will be creation of the dimension of essentially, the underworld. As well as how the concept of karma came into existence.
Second is I’m working on making cosplay, Art and weapon props to sell at anime conventions. Eventually my story would be self published and sold as well. Currently I have been working on making the weapons from the popular American anime RWBY such as Ruby’s sniper scythe, Crescent Rose. These weapon props wouldn’t just look cool they would also transform like they do in the anime using electrically powered robotics. I already have Crescent Rose ready enough to start figuring out how to put the robotics into it. I also plan to add sound effects to them.