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Amy’s Angel GoFundME Boost IDIDIT Campaign Donors

She was wearing a bright pink jacket when they found her.

Officials estimate she couldn’t have been more than two weeks old. Her parents left her at the gate of the Children’s Social Welfare Institute in a small village in China, wrapped in a blanket. There was no note, no diaper bag, nothing to identify the baby girl. The police were never able to locate her birth parents, and so they sent her to the orphanage she still calls home today.

We are Joe and Amy Axsom. We have been married for 3 years and are looking to adopt. Our original plans to start our family were derailed a year ago and despite the various setbacks, we did not allow misfortune to consume us. We persevered and began to listen to the voice that was speaking to us all along. My husband and I always dreamed of having a family of our own, however we can no longer conceive, so we started looking into adoption. We scrolled through the pictures of thousands of precious, waiting children online, but the moment I saw her, something was different. I saw that sweet little girl, and immediately my heart knew that I was looking at my daughter. Her situation makes me ache, but what God is about to do in her life thrills me beyond words! I cannot describe how excited we are to be her family; to be the people that get to show her and teach her that she is a precious, deeply loved, desperately wanted and so beautiful! Our little girl has Downs Syndrome and a heart condition and we are here to love and learn every day with her by our sides.

Know that you know a bit more about us, we need your help. Our agency fees are between $30,000 and $35,000. Family, friends, college acquaintances, high school teammates, pen pals, your grandma’s neighbor in Michigan…well, you get the idea. You can be part of this adventure with your financial gift or simply by keeping us in your daily prayers. Should you choose to make a financial contribution it will be 100% tax deductible.

Please consider sharing our story with others (family members/co-workers/Facebook/Twitter/Instagram, etc.) so that we can finally open our home to a child who needs us. Your generosity will be appreciated in so many ways and your investment will continue to pay dividends for many years to come. We plan to update our page regularly so that you will be aware of where we are in the adoption process and how things are going with Annabelle.

Oh, darling girl, your family wants you. We can’t wait to bring you home!

Thank you for considering partnering with us to bring her home. We will never be able to express how grateful we are–your partnership means the world to us, and to baby Annabelle.

Thank you

Joe and Amy Axsom