A Grandson’s Jonathan Lallo Repayment For a Grandmother GoFundME CrowdFundingExposure.com Campaign

This is to help my grandmother and her best friend to be able to afford their housing. She helped raise me and is in need and it is the most important thing to a senior citizen to keep their independence and to not have to live in a nursing home or assisted living, so we are trying to raise enough money so that their monthly payments next door to us can be handled by just one of them as they are both getting older.

Ruby is 82 and still cuts hair because she doesn’t get enough to live without still working, and my grandma is 78 and isn’t able to work..

The cost of everything will be $209,000 but we know that is a large number to ask for, but if we could raise enough to make the monthly payments low enough that would be the biggest blessing.. We tried to make this video on youtube and upload it and also this page.

If you can help on this #givingtuesday we will be forever grateful and will post updates regularly.. thank you for your time and for viewing this. please share if you can as well!
