WPPHPORG Campaign Feed Poor Children CrowdFundingExposure.com CrowdfunderUK Viral Promo

World PEACE Promoting Helpless People Organization (WPPHPORG ) seeking help in feeding the poor to end the suffering and pain of hunger that consumes too many in the world.

We are a non denominational organization …we push no religion and have no country to fight for…humanity is our acclaimed religion, earth is our country as we are citizens of the world …who are seeking your help to feed our fellow brothers and sisters who suffer in hunger… many are orphaned children needing adults to help them in their care.

Please read further and join us in our goal of relieving the pain they exist within…..

We had a charity event on 15 AUGUST 2016 at Kalna, West Bengal for feeding and clothing poor children. Wonderful event that brought some relief to families in the area.

Plus WPPHPORG arranged a special show of movie PINK at its premier event for orphan children and elderly people in Pune, India. Movie had special ratings to allow children under supervision to watch film as an educational tool hoping to bring about awareness in India society. Children discussed what they got from the film afterwards and were guided in what life has in store when they become of age to step out into the world. Much was learned from this event. Along with the youth it was used as a tool to bring about social movement that helps with understanding women have rights also . No means no. Very successful event.

Now we are announcing a new project for feeding more poor, homeless and orphaned children for four days from 24th to 27th of November 2016 in West Bengal at four different places..which includes Kalna, Kolkata and two other places. We are reaching out to you ask for help in raising funds to easy suffering of the people. Please we are asking you all from around the world to help us bless many helpless people so they do not continue to go hungry.

Contributing a small amount will feed many. We are asking of you not a difficult task as such an easy task will help and ease suffering from the pains of hunger.

Hope all will contribute towards this charity project.