

Original price was: $500.00.Current price is: $299.00.



We have compiled a HUGE list and it is being made available for sale for the first time today.

This is very large which you can use to raise money for Charity, Crowd Funding Investment capital, and more. The list includes people who are previous and/or active Crowdfunding donors and Social Media influencers and includes the names of contributor and their social profiles and contact and web list etc.

Complete details and all in one file!

After purchase, you will have a copy of the entire list and all the details. You may contact as many of the donors or people or organizations as contact via their website or social media profiles like Facebook, and “X” formerly Twitter, or messaging to their websites.

Fields included in 120,000+ Backers are:

  1. Backer Name (First & Last)
  2. Backer Email
  3. Campaign Name (Specific)
  4. Campaign Backers (Total of the specific campaign)
  5. Campaign Description
  6. Total Campaign Funds Raised
  7. Actual Campaign Link

Data Usage:​

  • Email Marketing
  • ​Offline Marketing
  • Customer Analysis
  • Market Research
  • Lead Generation​

Email address IS included with over 110,000+

Approximately 10,000 DO NOT include email.

The best worldwide influencer list that can be used to promote your Crowd Funding Campaign regardless of your platform.

Many donors on the list have donated or supported GoFundMe, Kickstarter, IndieGoGo, GoGetFunding, Crowdrise, and more platforms.

There are more than 110,000+ Influencers, Backers, and Donors on this list/database

Get your copy today!

Instant delivery after order!


Our backer’s database is a compiled listing of backers who have already funded projects on Kickstarter and Indiegogo. The crowdfunding email list comes in the form of an Excel file, meaning that you can easily edit the data, as well as sort it any way you like, and even use the search option to look for backers/investors.

What makes our Kickstarter backers’ email list so good is that it’s really huge – it contains more than 100k entries. But, the quantity isn’t the only good thing about it. This database also contains all the information you need about the backers in order to send them an offer they can’t refuse.

We really did hard work to compile all this data, but our efforts have paid off. Our Kickstarter and Indiegogo backers list contains all the details you need about the backers, including their email address, their location (city and state), as well as many other useful information. You can even get an insight into what they’re interested in by taking a look at the projects they’ve previously funded.


​First of all, you can use this database directory to find the perfect backers for your project. By spreading the word about your project across a huge number of potential backers, the chance is high that you’re going to end up collecting more money. But, not only that, as our database contains their contact details, you will be able to get in touch with them directly, rather than using some sort of crowdfunding platform. This email list lets you send a unique email to each backer, explaining to them exactly why investing in your project would be the best thing they could do.

But, if you don’t have a business plan that you could pitch to the potential backers, you can use this database for email marketing. You can look at it as one giant email list, which can help you with your email marketing efforts. By using this information, you will be able to spread the word about your b2b company or whatever type of business you’re running.


The truth is that not many people have even thought about using the list of backers as a way of advertising their project. This means that if you start using it straight away; you’ll get one big step ahead of them. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should go and buy any kind of backers’ database. The thing is that there are lots of them offered online, but not many of them can compare to ours. The reasons for that are numerous, starting from the fact that our database is 100% genuine. There isn’t a single entry that’s fake; we can vouch for that. And so, can hundreds of our satisfied customers.

Another reason why you ought to put your trust in us and our email list is that it’s completely up-to-date. We check our database on a regular basis, thus ensuring that all the listings are fresh and updated. This means that you will actually be able to use this list for a long time.

Finally, there’s also the thing about the money. Surely, buying a backers’ list can make you a millionaire in the long run, but it doesn’t mean that you should let data miners rob you of your money. Some of them are simply asking too much for their databases. But, not us! We’re selling our elaborate Indiegogo & Kickstarter Backers email list at a very affordable price!

Note: Download is available for up to 2 downloads and expires in 60 days.


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