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Get Promoted & Get Funded:
"Be our Next Success Story?”

Are you seeking to enhance the marketing strategy for your Kickstarter, Indiegogo, GoFundMe, or Shopify campaign to boost traffic, maximize exposure, and increase funding?

Let’s face it: launching on Kickstarter, Indiegogo, GoFundMe, or Shopify is a monumental task that should not be undertaken solo. Your product deserves every chance to succeed, and that requires a well-crafted strategy, a robust system, and unwavering support.

Our team of crowdfunding professionals is committed to your long-term success. We will work closely with you to understand your goals, provide tailored guidance, and steer you towards achieving them. Let us be your trusted allies on the path to crowdfunding excellence.

Top 3 Ways to Promote Your Kickstarter, Indiegogo, GoFundMe, or Shopify Campaign with

Launching a campaign on platforms like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, GoFundMe, or Shopify can be an exhilarating journey. However, the key to a successful campaign lies not just in its creation but in its promotion. With countless campaigns vying for attention, standing out is crucial. This is where steps in, offering expert strategies to elevate your campaign’s visibility and success. Here are the top three ways to promote your campaign using the expertise at

1. Leverage Comprehensive Media Outreach

One of the most effective ways to get your campaign noticed is through extensive media coverage. specializes in crafting compelling press releases that highlight the unique aspects of your campaign. Here’s how they do it:

  • Professional Press Releases: Expert writers at create polished, newsworthy press releases tailored to your campaign. These releases are designed to capture the essence of your project and its potential impact.
  • Wide Distribution Network: Once the press release is ready, it’s distributed through a vast network of news media partners. This includes mainstream and niche media outlets, ensuring your campaign gets the attention it deserves from various audiences.
  • Media Relations: Their team also actively engages with journalists and influencers, increasing the likelihood of your campaign being featured in articles, blogs, and social media posts.

2. Utilize Social Media Campaigns

In today’s digital age, social media is a powerhouse for campaign promotion. uses sophisticated strategies to amplify your campaign’s reach across multiple platforms:

  • Targeted Advertising: They create and manage targeted ad campaigns on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. By focusing on demographics that are most likely to be interested in your campaign, these ads generate higher engagement and conversion rates.
  • Engaging Content Creation: The team produces engaging content, including graphics, videos, and posts, tailored to each platform’s audience. This content not only promotes your campaign but also encourages shares and organic growth.
  • Influencer Partnerships: connects with influencers who align with your campaign’s mission. These influencers help spread the word to their followers, providing authentic endorsements that drive traffic and backers to your campaign.

3. Optimize Your Campaign Page

A well-optimized campaign page can significantly boost your chances of success. offers expert advice and services to ensure your page is as effective as possible:

  • Compelling Visuals and Copy: Their team helps create compelling visuals and persuasive copy that clearly communicate your campaign’s value proposition. High-quality images, videos, and a strong narrative are essential to capturing potential backers’ interest.
  • SEO Optimization: They apply SEO best practices to your campaign page, making it more discoverable through search engines. This includes keyword optimization, meta descriptions, and strategic use of headings and tags.
  • User Experience (UX) Enhancement: provides insights on improving the user experience of your campaign page. A seamless, intuitive, and engaging page design can significantly increase the likelihood of visitors becoming backers.


Promoting a Kickstarter, Indiegogo, GoFundMe, or Shopify campaign requires strategic planning and execution. offers the expertise and resources needed to elevate your campaign’s visibility and success. By leveraging comprehensive media outreach, utilizing social media campaigns, and optimizing your campaign page, they ensure your project stands out in a crowded marketplace. Trust the experts at to take your campaign to new heights.

Ready to give your campaign the boost it needs? Visit and let their experts help you achieve your funding goals.

“Can I Really Get News Media Coverage?” YES!

You can have a professional press release written for you! Our team of expert editors and writers will meticulously craft a high-quality press release. Once completed, we will distribute it through our extensive network of news media partners, ensuring it reaches mainstream and mass media outlets effectively.

Best Promotion Ways to Get More Backers & Donors for Kickstarter, Indiegogo, GoFundMe and Shopify!

Experience Rapid Results with CrowdFunding Exposure

At CrowdFunding Exposure, you can anticipate seeing results in as little as one week from the start of our comprehensive social media and mass media promotions.

Our exclusive network, available only to CrowdFunding Exposure clients, is included in our full-service package. This package encompasses a wide range of promotional activities: paid advertisements, promoted posts, shout-outs on popular pages, organic promotion, content marketing, cross-promotion, audience building, page features, targeted tweets, geo-location targeting, and more.

How It Works – It’s Really That Simple

  1. Sign Up Below

    • Click the “Buy Now” button, complete your payment, and fill out a short form. We will then begin promoting your Kickstarter, Indiegogo, GoFundMe, or Shopify crowdfunding campaign promptly. Let our experts handle the promotion for you!
  2. Promotion Initiation

    • CrowdFunding Exposure will market and promote your crowdfunding campaign through our extensive social media network, the largest of its kind. Since 2004, we have developed a robust network comprising angels, investors, backers, news media members, journalists, reporters, and many other interested parties. This network significantly enhances your campaign’s visibility and exposure.
  3. Achieve Crowd Funding

    • Our name, CrowdFunding Exposure, reflects our mission. We leverage the power of the “crowd” to expose your campaign through social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, as well as through journalists and impactful PR or press releases. This approach has been proven to attract hundreds, if not thousands, of potential funders, backers, investors, and even customers, tailored to the specific needs and requirements of your Kickstarter, Indiegogo, GoFundMe, or Shopify campaign.

Experience the difference with CrowdFunding Exposure and maximize the potential of your crowdfunding campaign.

Make a Great Explainer Video!
Video serves as an introduction to your entire campaign.

You are going to be blown away by how these simple tricks are going to boost your campaign.

Hiring the experts at is the first best decision you will make on your Crowdfunding Journey. Get Promoted & Get Funded!