I have been teaching at an inner city high school for the last 15 wonderful years. Since I changed careers from software development to teaching, I took a major pay cut, but I found that giving and caring for my students was so, so much more rewarding than working with computers.
I am now getting ready to retire and I will not be able to fund this most wonderful solution to a very challenging problem.
I have suffered from severe anxiety disorder for most of my life, trying various medications, biofeedback, breathing techniques, meditation, exercise, special diets, etc.. You name it, I’ve tried it!
After speaking to a mental health professional who is also a veterinarian, he told me that an emotional support animal (ESA), could actually prevent the onset of a panic attack before it even begins. For me, that would be life changing!
Unfortunately, I have discovered that getting a proper support animal is extremely expensive. After several weeks of research, I found a breeder with whom I have had several long conversations. He is quite serious about keeping his dogs happy and healthy but most importantly, he is committed to pairing the recipient with the right animal. The breeder has strongly suggested for me a Border Collie and Poodle mix. The hybrid is called a Borderdoodle. They will train a puppy to give me exactly the kind of emotional support that I need.
This is a photo of a Bordoodle puppy very similar to the puppy that I would be paired with.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Even if you can help just a little bit, any help would be greatly appreciated.
The money will be spent as follows:
The Bordoodle (health, DNA tested, Volhard and PAT scored)…………..$ 3,500.00
The Service dog Training…………………………………………………………………………….$ 2,500.00
Transportation …………………………………………………………………………………………….$ 350.00
Total………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..$ 6,350.00