Life, Liberty, and Happiness CrowdFunding Exposure IDIDIT GoFundME IndieGoGo KickStarter

My name is Katherine Elizabeth Day, but you can call me “kat”. I recently relocated to New York, by way of Jackson, Mississippi. I am transgender.

No worries, I didn’t come up to New York completely unprepared. I had a sublet lined up and a job. It’s just that my sublease is nearing it’s end and my job still hasn’t finalized it’s decision to hire me.

Note: I have a tendancy to shut down when in survival mode.

Life, however, is asking me to do just the opposite. In this stressful time I am being asked to open up and ask for help. It’s utterly terrifying, but what is my alternative? Become another statistic?

This money will allow me to find a place to live, feed me, and allow me to continue my hormone replacement therapy. Without your help, life will be a lot tougher than it already is for someone like me.

To be honest, in the past I’ve had difficutly with the establishing “what is reality” and through much perserverance I’ve stabalized. However, I still live in a world that sees what it wants to see, which can be disheartening.

Reaching this goal would definitely help, not only in ensuring my health and quality of life, but would also aid to discredit much of the negativity I face daily, whether real or fancied.

While “they” decide whether to employ me or not, I am asking for your help to keep a roof over my head, food in my stomach, and the necessary medications I need to continue my evolution into womanhood.

I cannot express how much this would help or how thankful I’d be, but I do believe that great things are on the horizon for me and I don’t intend to forget those of you who’ll help me get there.

xoxoxo . thanx
