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Covid hospital bills & recovery

I’m a 44 year old mom of 4 & 2020 has taken toll on my health. I’ve been rushed by ambulance 3 times this year. Twice for my blood pressure and once due to Covid & have had 2 hospital stays. I do have insurance but it does not cover everything & I’ve exhausted my FSA. I am in medical debt for almost $10,000 in addition to falling behind on bills because disability doesn’t pay enough to maintain my large family. I was recently released from the hospital for covid pneumonia and am at risk for blood clots now due to covid now. I am asking for help to keep my family from suffering financially because of my health issues. I do know if more bills pile on from Covid my family will not be able to manage.

I am still recovering from Covid and hope to return to work but still need support to help me keep up with the debt I currently have. Any support is appreciated.