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Fun Keys to Autism Families GoFundME CrowdFunding Campaign

My name is Tony Tinervia and I was diagnosed late in my life with Asperger’s Syndrome in 2015.

Is Autism a Disability? California awarded me Social Security Disability Insurance in 2015 so perhaps.

I want to prove only if it allows you to be disabled. I am the inventor of “Keys to the Capitals” board game and my goal was to get the games on Amazon.

Please show your Support for this Great Campaign!

I am disabled so I can’t go into a department store to communicate that to a merchandise manager to do Purchase Orders. It is a lot easier communicating through the Social Media and internet companies like Amazon.

My goal is to get as many of my games to Autism families for Homeschooling as possible.

Why not buy an autistic child a Keys to the Capitals board game for your State?

It is proven to play well with children and special needs children. Do you know any families that deal with Autism?

The $2,000 is not for my company Capital Keys, LLC but for to buy inventory from my publisher

The $2,000 is estimated for only 50 board games.

One child in each state will be awarded with a Keys to the Capitals game board. 7 states were awarded on Flag Day. 43 more to go starting July 4th and awarded if State reaches 10 entries.

Click the link above and Like Us on Facebook Keys to the Capitals page to follow good stories.

Fun Keys to Autism Families


Please show your Support for this Great Campaign!

Please show your Support for this Great Campaign!